Cleansing your Space with Sage
So you’ve heard about cleansing, saging or smudging? Probably even seen people you follow on Instagram using smudge sticks to smoke their space? We’ve got the lowdown on how you should sage smudge and the benefits of including this practice in your self care routine.
Smudging with sage is a way we can cleanse ourselves and our space from unwanted energy in the way it increases clarity, wisdom and spiritual awareness. The practice involves shifting the air element by burning a sage stick or wand and using its smoke as the source to cleanse and rid negative energy to restore balance - sounds pretty simple right?
Think about all the people, objects and places you come across each day… all of those things have energy just as we do, that can have an effect on our lives, some positive and others not so much. Smudging is a way we can balance our own energy and the energy of our space. There’s reason why sage smudging has continued on for so long, being able to rid negative energy, create balance and restore harmony positively impacts your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body and space. It also improves air quality and gives you better beauty sleep - yes please!
We love creating a ritual for sage cleansing, allow yourself to feel grounded and connect with the process. Open a window or door for the negative energy (and smoke) to exit, and then fan the smudge stick throughout each space. You can always amp this up by saying a little mantra or putting on your favourite playlist as you smudge.
If you're smudging your own energy, once a week is your go-to and if it's for your space you can do anywhere between once a month to each season. The more you connect with the energy in your space you will also start to vibe when it needs cleansing.
We work with a beautiful family business that source white sage from the hills of California. The plant is harvested from hundreds of acres of land where it naturally grows amongst other plants and wildlife. The owners and workers sustainably harvest the land, picking only the top flower of the sage without stressing the plants, allowing the lower flowers to grow while also spreading seeds for new sage.
Every purchase of our sage smudge sticks come in a reusable veggie bag. Shop sage sticks here.